Child Protection
Need to Know
- If you have immediate concerns for a child’s safety, please contact the Queensland Police Service on 000 or Child Safety Services on 1800 177 135.
- Child Safety Services is responsible for protecting the welfare and best interests of children in Queensland.
- They investigate and assess concerns that a child has been harmed or is at risk of harm; and provide ongoing services to children and young people.
- Child abuse can be a single incident or several incidents over time in the form of physical, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect.
- The law surrounding child protection matters is particularly complex.
- If Child Safety Services becomes involved with your family, we recommend you seek immediate legal advice from our experienced family lawyers.
Protecting children from harm
Child abuse is a serious issue and family law helps to support children, young people and families meet their child protection and care needs.
While parents have primary responsibility for the care and welfare of their child, (which includes preventing them from being at risk of or exposed to harm), authorities may intervene if they have reason to suspect a child is experiencing harm or is at risk of experiencing harm or being neglected.
If Child Safety has a reason to become involved with your family - or you are concerned about the welfare of a child - our experienced family lawyers can help you work out what to do next.
When Child Safety Intervenes
The Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women protects the welfare and best interests of children in Queensland. When Child Safety determines that a child needs protection, the department can intervene by seeking different types of protection orders including:
- A supervision order
- A short term residence order
- A long term residence order
Depending on the level of intervention, children are often able to remain in the family home. Parents must work with Child Safety to take certain actions to meet care and protection needs. In other cases, children are removed from their parents’ care and placed with an approved family member or foster carer for an agreed period.
Applications for child protection orders are filed in the Children's Court by Child Safety. Parents receive a copy of the application and details of any hearing dates and other requirements.
Responding to Child Safety
The law surrounding child protection matters is particularly complex and dealing with Child Safety can be difficult at times. Our team is experienced in child protection matters. This includes successful litigation and dealing with Child Safety on your behalf.
If you need advice, contact our experienced Gold Coast family law team today.
Reporting child abuse in Queensland
If you believe a child is in immediate danger call Triple Zero (000).
If you suspect a child is being harmed, or is at risk of being harmed or neglected, contact Child Safety Services to speak to someone about your concerns:
- During normal business hours - contact the Regional Intake Service.
- After hours and on weekends - contact the Child Safety After Hours Service Centre on 1800 177 135 or (07) 3235 9999. The service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.