Launch of the FCFCOA (Division 1 and 2) Family Violence and Voice of the Child Animated Short Films

Gold Coast Family Lawyers News

Your Gold Coast Family Lawyers are pleased to announce that on Tuesday 22 August, the Hon Chief Justice Alstergren AO officially launched the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia’s Family Violence and Voice of the Child animated short films.

The Court welcomed Tarang Chawla, Victorian Multicultural Commissioner as a guest speaker. Commissioner Chawla urged people to “share the videos widely, refer to them in your work, share them with your peers’. As such, we have included the short films below for your convenience.

The films will assist parties and families in better understanding and identifying family violence and navigating the Court’s processes.

For further advice or assistance please do not hesitate to contact our Gold Coast Family Lawyers today.

What is family violence?

Family violence is a serious problem in our community. The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Court) deals with families and relationships and a significant proportion of matters before the Court involve allegations of family violence. The focus of this video is on family violence and what it means.

How the Court process works for parenting cases

Every case is different and may be handled differently depending on the needs of your family. This video explains the usual process of a family law case involving children and provides an overview of what can be expected in most cases in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.

How the voice of the child is heard?

The court process is designed to balance the need to protect children from conflict with the child’s right to have a voice in decisions being made about them. This video is about how a child’s voice is considered in a family law case in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.

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