Gold Coast Family Lawyers

A Positive from the Pandemic

The social-distancing regulations implemented as a result of Covid-19 introduced new challenges into our area of work, particularly in respect of Court appearances for our Gold Coast divorce lawyers.

Where we would ordinarily travel to attend Court in Brisbane or, at times, appear via telephone-link, the Family Court of Australia and Federal Circuit Court of Australia, in response to Covid-19, implemented measures to enable Court appearances to proceed by way of video-link.

The use of video-link now allows practitioners and parties the opportunity to read the expressions of the Judge or Registrar (as well as the faces of other participants) which was not otherwise possible on the telephone.

A further benefit of the Courts’ use of this technology, enabled our office to secure an urgent appearance by way of a Microsoft Teams video-link before the Court in Sydney, for a matter that was otherwise before the Court in Brisbane. This experience was positive, seamless and expedited the progression of our client’s matter.

Certainly, there are instances where appearances by video-link would not be preferably, however, we are hopeful the use of video-linked appearances will not be lost when the social-distancing restrictions are lifted given the benefits associated with access to the Court system and engagement with the judiciary.

– A Message from Ella Thomas, Associate.

Quinn Family Law, Gold Coast Divorce Lawyers

For more information on how our Gold Coast Family Lawyers can assist you with your Family Law matter head to our services page. Otherwise call our office on (07) 5655 4933 to schedule a free 1-hr initial consultation with one of our family law experts.

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